PFAS the forever chemical:

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as "forever chemicals" are linked to cancer and other life-threatening health problems. PFAS chemicals have been used in several industries and manufacturing processes over the years. These toxic chemicals have leaked into groundwater and drinking water sources, putting public health at risk. Found in drinking water, food, firefighting foam, and nonstick/water-repellent items, PFAS resist degradation, building up in both the environment and our bodies.

At Aqua Otter Water Systems, we specialize in eliminating harmful PFAS from your home's water supply using advanced filtration technology. Our systems ensure that every tap in your house delivers clean, safe water, free from contaminants, for the health and peace of mind of your entire family.

PFAS the forever chemical:

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as "forever chemicals" are linked to cancer and other life-threatening health problems. PFAS chemicals have been used in several industries and manufacturing processes over the years. These toxic chemicals have leaked into groundwater and drinking water sources, putting public health at risk. Found in drinking water, food, firefighting foam, and nonstick/water-repellent items, PFAS resist degradation, building up in both the environment and our bodies.

At Aqua Otter Water Systems, we specialize in eliminating harmful PFAS from your home's water supply using advanced filtration technology. Our systems ensure that every tap in your house delivers clean, safe water, free from contaminants, for the health and peace of mind of your entire family.


The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has detected "forever chemicals" in water systems serving 70 million Americans. Even at very low doses, PFAS poses health risks to you and your family.

What is PFAS:

  • Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a group of man-made chemicals used in various industrial and consumer products for their water- and grease-resistant properties.

  • PFAS are highly persistent in the environment and the human body, earning them the nickname "forever chemicals."

Where does PFAS come from:

  • These substances can enter the environment through industrial discharge, use of contaminated products, and improper disposal, ultimately contaminating soil, water, and air.

  • PFAS originate from a wide range of industrial and consumer products where they are used for their water- and grease-resistant properties.

Health risks linked to PFAS:

  • PFAS has been linked to numerous health risks, including increased cholesterol levels, thyroid hormone disruption, weakened immune response, and a higher risk of certain cancers, such as kidney and testicular cancer.

  • Additionally, PFAS exposure can potentially lead to developmental issues in children, including low birth weight and cognitive development problems.

Aqua Otter Water Systems offers solutions such as activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis, ion exchange resins, and more all proven effective in removing PFAS from drinking water. Proper understanding, professional assessment, and customized solutions are vital in managing and resolving these issues effectively.

What is PFAS:

  • Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a group of man-made chemicals used in various industrial and consumer products for their water- and grease-resistant properties.

  • PFAS are highly persistent in the environment and the human body, earning them the nickname "forever chemicals."

Where does PFAS come from:

  • These substances can enter the environment through industrial discharge, use of contaminated products, and improper disposal, ultimately contaminating soil, water, and air.

  • PFAS originate from a wide range of industrial and consumer products where they are used for their water- and grease-resistant properties.

Health risks linked to PFAS:

  • PFAS has been linked to numerous health risks, including increased cholesterol levels, thyroid hormone disruption, weakened immune response, and a higher risk of certain cancers, such as kidney and testicular cancer.

  • Additionally, PFAS exposure can potentially lead to developmental issues in children, including low birth weight and cognitive development problems.

Aqua Otter Water Systems offers solutions such as activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis, ion exchange resins, and more all proven effective in removing PFAS from drinking water. Proper understanding, professional assessment, and customized solutions are vital in managing and resolving these issues effectively.


Installing a whole house filtration system is crucial for ensuring the safety and health of your household by removing harmful PFAS contaminants from your water supply. These persistent chemicals, found in many common products and linked to severe health risks, can contaminate your drinking water, affecting every tap in your home. Aqua Otter Water Systems effectively eliminates PFAS, providing clean, safe water for drinking, cooking, and bathing, and safeguarding your family from the potential long-term effects of exposure. By investing in a whole house filtration system, you are taking a proactive step towards protecting your loved ones and ensuring peace of mind.


  • Aqua Otter's comprehensive water purification system not only tackles PFAS but also other contaminants.

  • Tailored Multi-Stage Purification: Ensuring that all impurities are removed, including PFAS, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, chloramines, bacteria, iron, sulfur, heavy metals, and more.

  • Customized Solutions: Aqua Otter's water purification system is tailored for your individual water solutions, considering the specific challenges of your region.


  • Aqua Otter's comprehensive water purification system not only tackles PFAS but also other contaminants.

  • Tailored Multi-Stage Purification: Ensuring that all impurities are removed, including PFAS, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, chloramines, bacteria, iron, sulfur, heavy metals, and more.

  • Customized Solutions: Aqua Otter's water purification system is tailored for your individual water solutions, considering the specific challenges of your region.



Aqua Otter's professionals are well-trained to handle iron-related issues in water.


Utilizing state-of-the-art technology to provide the best water treatment.


Your satisfaction is our priority, and we offer tailored solutions to fit your needs.


American drinking water can pose significant health risks due to the presence of harmful contaminants like PFAS, lead, and other pollutants. These substances have been linked to serious health issues, including cancer, neurological damage, and developmental problems in children. Aqua Otter Water Systems is dedicated to transforming your water quality with our unique and American made filtration technology. Our systems effectively remove these dangerous contaminants, ensuring that every drop of water from your taps is pure, safe, and healthy. With Aqua Otter Water Systems, homeowners can confidently say "goodbye" to unhealthy water and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with superior water quality.